
ESG Story

Enactment of Conflict Mineral Management Policy

Samsung Heavy Industries announced in October that it has established a conflict mineral management policy and received endorsement from the ESG Committee. Conflict minerals are defined as tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold (collectively referred to as 3TG) that originate from the Democratic Republic of Congo or any of the ten surrounding countries where human rights abuses, such as forced labor and child labor, are prevalent during the extraction process. Additionally, the revenue generated from these minerals often fund armed conflicts.

By enacting this policy, Samsung Heavy Industries demonstrates its commitment to fulfilling its societal responsibilities by adhering to international guidelines set forth by regulatory frameworks like the Dodd-Frank Act and the European Union''s OECD Guidelines for Due Diligence. Samsung Heavy Industries intends to implement a supply chain due diligence system and develop relevant procedures in the immediate future. Furthermore, the company will be continuously monitoring its product inventory to ensure compliance with the prohibition on using conflict minerals.