Data Center

Quantitative performance

※ Details that are not on the homepage can be found in the SR report - Data sector.

1. GHG Management

Scope 1 & 2 emissions
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total (Scope 1+2) tCO2eq 487,265 454,990 364,085
Direct(Scope 1) 182,254 168,599 124,688
Indirect(Scope 2) 305,011 286,391 239,397
Total emissions/Revenues tCO2eq/KRW billion 71.0 68.7 61.3
  1. *It is based on all work sites, including overseas, and applies national greenhouse gas management guidelines, IPCC guidelines, and ISO 14064 standards
Scope 3 GHG emission calculation metholodogy
Scope 3 emissions
Unit 2021 2022
Total (Scope 3) tCO2eq 53,070,343 35,364,583
#1. purchased goods and services 2,376,535 4,087,391
#2. capital goods 미산정 2,745
#3. fuel and energy related activities 46,247 19,794
#4. transportation and distribution 522 12,596
#5. waste generated in operations 4,501 3,455
#6. business travel 476 684
#7. employee commuting 3,819 2,500
#11. use of sold products 50,630,496 31,230,651
#12. end of life treatment of sold products 7,747 4,767
Total emissions/Revenues tCO2eq/KRW billion 8,014.3 5,949.0
  1. *We calculated scope 3 emissions from 2021
Scope 3 Carbon reduction contributions
Scope 3 Carbon reduction contributions
Unit 2022
Category 11 (Use of sold products) tCO2eq 17,547,016
  1. *Scope 3 Carbon reduction contributions mean how much our ships delivered to customers have contributed to carbon reduction. However, we do not use contributions as an offset to Scope 3 emissions.
  2. **We firstly calculated scope 3 carbon reduction contributions in 2022

2. Energy Management

Energy consumption
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Energy consumption TJ 6,798 7,067 5,956
Direct 1,914 2,060 1,502
Indirect1) 4,884 5,007 4,454
Total emissions/Revenues TJ/KRW billion 1.0 1.1 1.0
  1. *Based on domestic + overseas sites
  2. 1)Electricity, external heat, etc
Carbon Intensity
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Carbon Intensity1) tCO2eq/TJ 71.7 64.4 61.1
  1. 1)Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2) compared to total energy use generated in the work sites (domestic + overseas)

3. Water Management

Water Management
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total water consumption Thousand Tonnes 2,859 2,648 2,358
Water supply 2,859 2,648 2,358
Ground freshwater(River, Lake) 0 0 0
Groundwater 0 0 0
Sea water 0 0 0
Waste water dischare 1,000 838 835
Water recycling 17 17 16
Water stress area1) - N.A N.A N.A
  1. *Based on Geoje shipyard in Korea
  2. 1)Countries with less than 1,000 to 1,700 of available water resources per person are classified as 'water stress countries' (International Institute of Population Behavior)

4. Waste Management

Waste Management
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total waste consumption (general + hazardous) ton 60,111 53,380 40,925
Recycled(external) 28,189 26,315 19,885
Incinerated(internal) 22,152 19,217 14,113
Incinerated(external) 2,462 1,776 1,224
Landfill(external) 7,308 6,072 5,704
General Waste ton 54,264 48,528 37,244
Recycled(external) 25,904 24,312 18,192
Incinerated(internal) 21,997 19,083 14,015
Incinerated(external) 218 0 19
Landfill(external) 6,145 5,133 5,019
Hazardous (designated) waste ton 5,847 4,852 3,681
Recycled(external) 2,285 2,003 1,692
Incinerated(internal) 155 134 98
Incinerated(external) 2,244 1,776 1,206
Landfill(external) 1,163 939 685
Total emissions/Revenues Tonnes/KRW billion 8.8 8.1 6.9
  1. *Based on Geoje shipyard in Korea

5. Contaminant management

Air pollution management
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Air pollution Emissions 79,570 48,109 48,845
SOx 1,972 1,494 2,828
NOx 44,677 18,789 18,115
TSP 32,921 27,826 27,902
Total emissions/Revenues kg/KRW billion 11.1 7.3 8.2
  1. *Based on Geoje shipyard in Korea
Chemical Contaminant Management
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total Emissions1) 1,981,151 1,685,160 1,370,432
2-propanol(67-63-0) 58,325 60,511 58,820
Ethyl benzene(100-41-4) 345,492 289,801 250,277
Toluene(108-88-3) 23,462 25,493 26,637
Xylene(1330-20-7) 1,533,319 1,289,644 1,015,724
Ethylene(74-85-1) 20,553 19,711 18,974
Methyl alcohol(67-56-1) 0 0 0
Total emissions/Revenues kg/KRW billion 288.8 254.5 230.5
  1. *Based on Geoje shipyard in Korea
  2. 1)Based on PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register)
Water pollutant management
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total Emissions 84.8 67.2 73.9
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) 0 0 12.7
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 40.0 22.0 0
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 0 0 19.2
Suspended Substances (SS) 14.0 25.0 8.1
Total phosphorus (T-P) 1.0 0 0.7
Ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) 29.7 18.6 32.6
Fluorine (F) 0 0.3 0
Heavy metals 0.1 1.3 0.6
Total emissions/Revenues kg/KRW billion 0.012 0.010 0.012
  1. *Based on Geoje shipyard in Korea

6. Other environmental indicators

environmental investment, education
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Environmental investment Total KRW million 12,825 17,072 14,612
OPEX 11,510 12,262 10,662
CAPEX 1,315 4,810 3,950
Compared to revenus % 0.2 0.3 0.3
Environmental education (including internal supplier) Total Hr 172,917 138,366 120,806
Compliance with environmental regulations
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Violations Violation Cases 0 0 0
Environmental accidents Cases 0 0 0
Penalties KRW 0 0 0
Sanctions Cases 0 0 0
Amount of damages KRW 0 0 0
Stakeholders Complaints Cases 0 0 0
Percentage of actions taken % N/A N/A N/A
Monetary compensation KRW N/A N/A N/A
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Habitat protection Habitats protected or recovered places 4 4 41)
Classification of protected animals and plants IUCN(International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources)-designated endangered species Species 0 0 0
state-designated endangered species Species 1 1 22)
Kinds of wild animals and plants protected Species 55 60 51
Post-environmental impact assessment costs KRW 100 million 2.4 2.4 2.3
  1. *Standards for Geoje Business Sites and Neighbors in Korea
  2. 1)egrets habitat, artificial reefs, otter rest areas, jalpi habitat
  3. 2)Otters, eagles (only otters for 2020-2021)

1. Employees

Gender Male 96.3% Contract type Full time 97.7%
Female 3.7% Temporary 2.3%
Age 20s 3.2% Position Director 0.1%
30s 28.6% Executive 0.4%
40s 38.8% Manager 37.5%
50s 29.5% staff 62.0%
  1. *Based on 2022 annual report

2. Employee training

Training hours
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total Hr 447,329 396,412 478,195
Human resources development1) 135,914 107,019 212,075
Human rights 39,692 24,014 21,970
Environment 59,316 55,674 52,650
Safety 134,503 157,145 132,181
Compliance 67,590 44,919 37,135
Quality 2,860 2,540 2,380
Engineering Design 5,856 3,520 18,360
Security 1,598 1,581 1,444
Hours per person Hr 45.2 42.7 54.5
  1. 1)Talent, RPA, DT
Training cost
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total cost KRW 100 million 14.4 9.9 19.5
Cost per person KRW thousand 146.0 106.3 222.4

3. Supply chain management & Winwin growth

[ Tier 1 supplier ]

[ Purchase cost ]

Supply chain management
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Tier 1 suppliers companies 1,756 1,451 1,393
Significant suppliers in Tier 11) 216 244 222
Suppliers assessed 216 244 222
Purchase cost KRW 100 million 39,991 66,586 62,815
Eco-friendly equipment and materials2) 0.4 8,241 11,192
  1. 1)Primary supplier with significant association to the company or risk of negative ESG impact
  2. 2)Cost of purchasing dual fuel engine and equipment, selective reduction catalyst, sulfur oxide capture device, eco-friendly (non-use, water-soluble) paint, etc

[ Training support ]

[ Financial support ]

Supply chain support
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Education support Persons 32,773 38,923 16,204
Quality, Safety, Task 32,499 38,759 15,938
Training of human resources 274 164 266
Financial support KRW 100 million 3,376 3,271 3,277
Benefits 371 266 272
Winwin growth fund 3,005 3,005 3,005
Percentage of cash payment monitoring amount1) % 66 75 73
  1. 1)It is a system that induces the conclusion of fair trade agreements between Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers, and refers to the ratio of the amount paid in mutual cash

4. Contribution management

Contribution cost
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Contribution cost KRW Million 990 930 1,225
Company 250 250 574
Employee 740 680 651
Employee contributed Persons 7,524 6,116 6,356
Volunteer hours
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total hours Hr 10,783 7,112 7,117
Hours per person 1.1 0.8 0.8
other activities
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Periodic blood donation campaign Blood donation Cases 1,689 1,735 1,796
'Bring Back Your Bright Smile' Program1) Treated persons Persons 11 9 59
Treatments Cases 386 238 287
Surgeries 52 30 44
Amount of support KRW million 500 500 500
  1. 1)Support for reconstructive plastic surgery and social rehabilitation programs for low-income youth face deformities

5. Safety & Health

Unit 2020 2021 2022
Safety indicators
(employee + internal supplier)
Deaths Persons 2 1 0
Accident rate1) % 0.23 0.25 0.30
LTIFR2) cases/million hours 1.05 1.26 1.03
Awards and recognition Amounts KRW million 215 163 152
Cases number 212 176 193
Inspection, Exercise Internal cases 340 350 350
Emergency response 165 157 152
  1. 1)(Number of injured ÷ number of workers) x 100
  2. 2)Lost Time Injuries Frequency Rate
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Medical examination General Persons 847 770 537
Comprehensive 9,265 8,573 6,726
Other activicties Use of internal clinics counts 57,189 42,180 48,510
Vaccination % 90 60 94
Anti-smoking clinic Persons 8,289 5,596 0
(Not implemented due to COVID-19)

Information related to the board of directors can be found on the 'Investment Information-Governance-Board of Directors' section of the company's website.

1. Compliance

Unit 2020 2021 2022
Self inspection Target personnel Persons 5,270 4,919 4,433
Inspection rate % 98.3 98.2 98.3
Advice Total Cases 1,466 1,730 1,707
Compliance 365 606 536
Legal 1,101 1,124 1,171
Training CL, CM, CA1) Hr 1,139 1,144 1,311
By job grade 10,206 294 4,592
By devision 33,387 34,189 30,965
Anti-corruption 22,152 8,714 10,080
Other special trainings2) 597 425 113
External Seminar and Conference 109 153 153
  1. 1)It means a compliance leader consisting of a team manager (executive), manager (department head), and person in charge (executive)
  2. 2)Training conducted when applications are made in the field or when there are pending issues

2. Quality management

[ Welding defect rate
(structure, piping) ]

[ Inspection Acceptance Rate
(Process, Mechanical completion) ]

[ Punch1) ]

  1. 1)Improvement requests received from the customers

[ COPQ2) ]

  1. 2)Cost Of Poor Quality
Customer Satisfaction
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Customer Satisfaction Assessment1) Points Points 67.1 72.8 66.0
No. of customer company received Companies 19 18 16
Response to customer complaints No. of claims received Cases 10,433 11,991 9,717
Average action time against claims2) Days 49 48 41
  1. 1)This is the result of a survey of customers residing in our company, and the questions consist of design/production, equipment, safety, and satisfaction with welfare support Changes to survey criteria in 2022 (expanding survey responses)
  2. 2)The period of time it takes to prepare materials, ship, replace, and verify engineers for claims arising after delivery

3. R&D Innovation

R&D Innovation
Unit 2020 2021 2022
R&D cost KRW million 50,222 51,577 61,598
CAPEX 6,342 10,239 7,800
OPEX 43,880 41,338 53,798
Compared revenues % 0.7 0.8 1.0
Number of R&D personnel 338 338 370
Intellectual property rights1) Cases 189 101 285
Patent 168 97 250
Utility Model 5 2 6
Design 8 0 21
Trademark and software copyright 8 2 8
  1. 1)Based on the number of registrations

4. Information protection and security

정보보호 및 보안
Unit 2020 2021 2022
Business continuity/Contingent risk response test Cases 2 2 2
DDoS attack dissemination training 1 1 1
DR disaster recovery training 1 1 1
External inspection and vulnerability analysis Cases 25 43 44
External system Security inspection 21 36 33
- Regular security inspection on integrated security center website 1 1 1
- Automatic detection and inspection of security vulnerabilities on SHI website 12 12 12
- Security inspection on mobile applications/web application Always Always Always
- Security inspection before applying modification/adding in mobile applications/web applications 8 23 20
Internal system Security inspection 4 7 11
- Regular security inspection on internal system holding private information 1 1 1
- Security inspection on internal applications Always Always Always
- Inspection on internal applications before applying/adding modification 3 6 10


No. Title Download
1 Conflict Minerals Policy 다운로드
2 Regulation of Compliance program 다운로드
3 Code Of Conduct 다운로드
4 Supplier Code of Conduct 다운로드
5 12 Safety Rules 다운로드
6 HSE Policy 다운로드
7 Delaration of Information Security 다운로드
8 Internal Accounting Management Operation Regulations 다운로드
9 ESG Committee Operation Regulations 다운로드
10 Internal Transactions Committee Operation Regulations 다운로드
11 Independent Director Candidate Recommendation Committee Operation Regulations 다운로드
12 Reward and Compensation Committee Operation Regulations 다운로드
13 Audit Committee Operation Regulations 다운로드
14 Management Committee Operation Regulations 다운로드
15 Board of Directors Operation Regulations 다운로드
16 Articles of Association 다운로드


No. Title Download
1 2024 HSE Management Report 다운로드
2 2024 Coporate Governance Report(2023 Performance) 다운로드
3 2024 Sustainability Report(2023 Performance) 다운로드
4 2023 Sustainability Report(2022 Performance) 다운로드
5 2022 Coporate Governance Reports 다운로드
6 2021 Sustainability Reports 다운로드
7 2021 Coporate Governance Reports 다운로드
8 2020 Sustainability Reports 다운로드
9 2020 Coporate Governance Reports 다운로드


No. Title Download
1 ISO 37301 & 37001; Compliance & Anti-bribery Management System 다운로드
2 2022 Scope 1&2 GHG Emissions Verification Statement 다운로드
3 2022 Scope 3 GHG Emissions Verification Statement 다운로드
4 2022 GHG Reduction Verification Statement 다운로드
5 K-EV100 Certification 다운로드
6 ISO 14001; Envrionmental Management 다운로드
7 ISO 50001; Energy Management 다운로드
8 ISO 45001; Occupational Health and Safety 다운로드
9 ISO 9001; Quality Procedures for Quality Management Systems 다운로드
10 ISO 3834-2; Quality Requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials(Comprehensive Quality Requirements) 다운로드
11 ISO 29001; Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries sector-specific Quality Management Systems 다운로드

ESG assessment result

ESG assessment result
DJSI MSCI Sustainalytics ISS KCGS Sustin
KOREA B Medium C- A (E:A, S:A+, G:B+) B-