Samsung Heavy Industries announced on May 10th that it has been selected as the best grade (S grade) for two consecutive years in the recently conducted National Human Resource Development Consortium (HRD Consortium) project performance evaluation. Currently, Samsung Heavy Industries is conducting projects in three fields: large and small win-win type, industrial transition joint training center, and K-Hightech platform, and has been evaluated as an S-grade company for two consecutive years in all fields. With the support of the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, the consortium project has been operating since 2001 to resolve the manpower shortage of SMEs and strengthen the competitiveness of human resources by utilizing the infrastructure of large companies. In 2021, Samsung Heavy Industries was first selected for the ''K-Hightech Platform'' project, contributing to the digital transformation of the industry and strengthening the digital literacy of members of the local community. From 2022, it was also selected for the ''Industry Transition Joint Training Center'' project to respond to future technologies based on ESG, such as decarbonization regulations and the construction of ships powered by alternative fuels. It is currently running three main types of consortium projects simultaneously. Shin Hyunho, Vice President of Samsung Heavy Industries, emphasized, "Strengthening the competitiveness of human resources of SME workers by utilizing the infrastructure of large corporations is being discussed as a major solution to the double structure of small and medium-sized enterprises'' shared growth and labor market."