SHI Unveils Future Eco-Friendly Strategies at Gastech 2023


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    - Future eco-friendly products to be presented with smart & digital competitiveness to be demonstrated during the event

    - A seminar prepared for global customers such as BP and Shell

    - More opportunities for collaboration anticipated especially in development of ammonia engines and pressurized tanks for LCO2

    Samsung Heavy Industries(SHI) announced its participation in Gastech 2023, the world''''''''s premier gas energy industry exhibition, taking place in Singapore from the 5th to the 9th of the month. More than 20 executives from sales and technology divisions, including Jung Jin-taek, president of the company, will embark on marketing activities targeting major global energy companies.

    SHI plans to operate a separate exhibition hall covering an area of 216 square meters at the Singapore Expo venue, focusing on its technological prowess and competitiveness in LNG and LCO2 transport vessels, centered around the FLNG (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Production Facility) models that currently lead the market. SHI aims thereby to solidify their position as a leader in the global market.

    On the 7th, SHI will hold a future eco-friendly technology seminar for key customers to address global climate change. This seminar, under the theme "Sustainable Future with Green & Digital," will feature participation from over 20 major customers, including Shell, BP, and Petronas. It will be divided into two sections: "Products for Future Energy Transition" and "Digital Twin-Based Autonomous Navigation." SHI will actively inform customers about their future eco-friendly products such as ammonia and hydrogen transport vessels, floating wind power, and Small Modular Reactor (SMR) power plants, as well as the status of development for new technologies such as Digital Twin-based autonomous operation and smart ships, aiming to strengthen their order-based business.

    During this event, SHI will also sign a technical cooperation MOU with Lattice Technology for grid-type pressurized tanks. Grid-type pressurized tanks can be manufactured in various shapes, including rectangular boxes, which provides spatial efficiency and maintains material thickness even when the pressurized vessel size increases. SHI plans to utilize this technology to develop new models of LCO2 transport vessels and floating CO2 storage facilities with increased storage capacity while reducing costs.

    In addition, SHI will enter into technical cooperation for development of ammonia engines with WinGD, a global engine developer and also receive technical certification from Korea Register of Shipping for large ammonia-driven carriers and cyber resilience design for ships, among other tasks.

    JANG Hae-Ki, the executive vice president and head of engineering operations at SHI, emphasized, "Samsung Heavy Industries is making company-wide efforts to develop future technologies for products that can proactively respond to energy transition." He further highlighted that “the company will also focus on economic feasibility to realize the projects and play an important role in reducing global carbon emissions.”